Courts & Grounds
Courts and Grounds
Hilton Tennis Club consists of four HAR-TRU courts. The following court and ground rules must be observed at all times.
Court and Ground Rules
1. Courts must be watered and brushed prior to play and after play, if needed.
2. When in doubt about courts being too soft after rain, STAY OFF.
3. Please help keep our courts and club area clean. Please pickup all ball cans and drink containers.
4. Wear only regulation tennis shoes on the courts. Running and basketball shoes are not permitted. Appropriate tennis attire is encouraged at all times.
5. The last person leaving must secure court gates, clubhouse door and turn off lights. Never leave open courts unattended.
6. Posting of starting time is required of all play. If a starting time is not posted, this is the first court to be relinquished in 30 minutes if all courts are occupied. It is a club goal that no one should wait longer than 30 minutes for a court after all players have arrived for a match and a court is not available. Players are asked to relinquish the court within 30 minutes of a team arriving to play with one exception - when applying the "30 minute rule" if a team has not played a minimum of one hour plus ten minutes court preparation time, the team is allowed to do so prior to quitting play.
7. Senior members have prior court rights over all other types of membership. Tournaments, ladder matches* and other activities with the prior approval of the Tennis Committee are the ONLY activities exempt from the "30 minute rule."
8. Out-of-town guests are afforded the same privileges as the member with the exception of tournaments and ladder play. The member must be in attendance during all guest play. There is no in-town guest policy. Anyone living in the Hampton Roads area must be a member to play at the club. The only exception would be for a prospective member. It is permissible for a prospective member to play a couple of times at the club before deciding whether he or she wants to join.